Muzi Garden is so far the only factory in China who is specialized in textile growing material such as fabric pots and hanging wall bags with high material.
She is found by Mr. Zhang in 2008,producing hanging wall bags at the beginning.Our product range now includes all types of fabric pots,hanging wall bags and grow tens which are all produced by MUZI factory.
All new designs are tested on our own farm in Zhongshan,Guangdong province.They will be recommended to our customers after making sure quality.
We are equipped with complete and professional machines to ensure efficiency,such as laser cutting machine,computer stitching machine,vaccum process machine and other small machines to ensure high accuracy and efficiency.
Muzi has perfectly produced many fabric pots designs for customers from US,UK and EU,getting very good market reputation.
Please don't hesitate to contact us,we look forward to serve you and let us grow together.